Posts tagged Little Rock Chamber of Commerce
October Newsletter - Create Little Rock

t’s hard to believe that my year as your chair is coming to a close soon. The board has been in overdrive this entire year to bring new events and opportunities for everyone. This month is certainly no different.This weekend brings the return of one of my favorite Create Little Rock events, PopUp in the Rock. This program works to highlight a selected area of our city each year. This year's PopUp demonstration will be in Southwest Little Rock. 

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August Newsletter - Create Little Rock

We appreciate everyone who participated over the summer in the Land in the Rock events - we know that it made for a meaningful and welcoming experience for the interns, law clerks, and those CLR members who are new to town.  We've invited the interns and law clerks to Thursday's Happy Hour at the Little Rock Club so that we can give them a proper send-off before they head back to college.  We hope to see you there!

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March Newsletter - Create Little Rock

One of the biggest challenges with attending networking events is trying to figure out what to do when you get there. Besides enjoying the food and drinks, gatherings like this are a perfect opportunity for you to build not only your network, but also share your interests and talents. Here are some of my favorite things to prepare for and do at networking events:

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