key highlights and STATISTICS

“Rhonna-Rose is the only person I have worked with whom I would follow to almost any organization or project - praise that I know is shared by many of those who have worked with and for her. Rhonna-Rose is hands-down the most supportive and thoughtful people manager that I've witnessed”

Total $$ Raised Over Course of Career

Digital Audience Age Breakdown

Numbers represented are written in percentages

Digital Audience Gender Breakdown

Numbers represented are written in percentages


  • Average engagement rate of 65%

  • Over 50,000 impressions across channels per month

  • List Size - 3,100 Subscribers
    Average Open Rate: 69.5%

  • Business Page:
    Total Followers: 594
    Average Engagement Rate: 68%
    Female: 75%
    Male: 25.7%

    Personal Page:
    Total Followers: 1,600+

  • Total Followers: 690
    Average Engagement Rate: 88%
    Female: 62.5%
    Male: 37.5%

  • Total Followers: 2,433

  • Total Followers: 1,525

  • Total Followers: 228

Software Knowledge:

Adobe Suite - Google Suite- Canva - Mailchimp - Hootsuite- coscheudle- Hubspot - Apple suite - Squarespace - Webflow


  • United States of America

  • Canada

  • United Kingdowm


  • New York City, New York

  • Washington D.C

  • Fayetteville, Arkansas


  • Guided philanthropic-minded individuals to expertly distribute $350 million of foundation assets into grant-making opportunities, driving philanthropic impact, and community development

  • Spearheaded an issue-based advocacy campaign, resulting in a decisive victory with over 75% of the vote and securing over $300 Million in additional funding for a local school district.

  • Mobilized over 300,000 voters in Arkansas for a first-time African-American candidate with limited name recognition and funding, leaving a lasting impact on the political landscape.

  • Proactively and strategically moved political polls from Safe R to Toss Up with groups such as Cook Political, in deep southern states

  • Expertly managed a program design and implementation strategy with 10,000+ individuals across the country, driving meaningful change and promoting equity and inclusion.

  • Actively participated in five-year strategic planning process, helping to set the direction for the organization's DE&I initiatives.

PAST AND CURRENT Community Involvement: 

  • Africans of Arkansas (AOA) - Founder 

  • Arkansas Assoc.  of Black Professionals (AABP) - Founder

  • Assoc. of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE) 

  • Cameroonians of Arkansas (CAMARK)

  • Create Little Rock - past Chair

  • Junior League of Little Rock

  • Leadership greater Little Rock alumni - Class XXXIV

  • Little Rock Club - Junior Committee

  • Rotaract - Little Rock

  • SHARP - AR Symphony Orchestra Young Professionals

  • Soc. for Human Resources Management (SHRM)

  • The Yarn

  • Think Big LR - Diversity &  Inclusion Committee

  • Urban League of Arkansas - Young Professional

  • Young Nonprofit Professional of Arkansas