Beyond the Gifted and Talented Label: Navigating the Challenges of Growing Up Smart
One of the biggest challenges for smart kids is learning how to separate their self-worth from external validation. When you're constantly praised for your innate qualities rather than your hard work, it's easy to develop a sense of entitlement and expect praise and recognition for everything you do. But as you get older, you quickly realize that the world doesn't work that way. Fewer people care about your intelligence and just being smart can only get you so far.
So, what happens when you start to fail in ways you never did as a kid? Suddenly, the praise and recognition you once relied on isn't there anymore, and you're left questioning everything you thought you knew about yourself. You might start projects but never finish them, or you finish them and then discard them because they're not good enough. You might even start to doubt your own intelligence and wonder if you've been lied to all this time.
But fear not, my fellow gifted and talented friend! There are ways to overcome these feelings of self-doubt and external validation. It won't be easy, but it's worth it.
One of the first steps is to practice accepting compliments with grace and gratitude. Instead of dismissing compliments or responding with self-deprecation, try saying "thank you so much, I appreciate it." It might feel awkward at first, but the more you practice, the easier it becomes.
Another helpful tip is to catch yourself when you start talking negatively about yourself in your head. When you notice these thoughts creeping in, simply say "ah, this again," and shift your attention to something else. It takes practice, but eventually, you can retrain your brain to focus on more positive and constructive thoughts.
Another important step is to distance yourself from people who drain your energy and self-worth. If someone is constantly putting you down or making you feel small, it's time to cut ties. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you, and who genuinely want to see you succeed.
Setting achievable goals is also crucial. Instead of setting lofty, unattainable goals, focus on smaller, more manageable ones. Celebrate every success, no matter how small. This will help you shift your focus from the end product to the process itself, and you'll start to find fulfillment in the work you're doing, rather than the praise you receive.
It's not uncommon to feel lost and uncertain about your worth as you face new challenges and obstacles in life. But don't lose hope! You have the power within you to overcome these challenges and emerge even stronger and more resilient than before.
By learning to recognize and challenge the negative thought patterns that hold you back, you can begin to shift your mindset towards one of self-compassion and positivity. This means accepting compliments graciously and refraining from self-deprecation, distancing yourself from toxic people, and breaking big tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
Ultimately, what you're striving for is a life filled with self-satisfaction and purpose, rather than one reliant on external validation. It won't be an easy journey, but it will be a rewarding one, filled with valuable lessons and personal growth.
Remember to be kind to yourself, forgive yourself when you stumble, and always strive to be the best version of yourself. You have the potential to do great things, and I have no doubt that you will.