Posts in Health
Undermining Progress: Navigating Manipulation and Betrayal From Think Rubix

Think Rubix has devolved into a cesspool of misaligned values, egotistical vision, and selfish mannerisms. It has transformed into an entity that represents the antithesis of progress, a stark contrast to the change-making platform it initially aspired to be. The toxicity within the organization has grown to an extent where it has become the worst possible investment for any genuine changemaker or innovator.

The decision to step down from my role was not an easy one, but it was one driven by a commitment to integrity, authenticity, and the pursuit of meaningful change.

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Embracing the Journey: The Evolution of Friendships into Adulthood

And then, adulthood arrived, knocking on the door with responsibilities and choices that would shape our paths. The once spacious playgrounds of childhood now seemed distant as we navigated careers, relationships, and dreams that seemed both within reach and elusive. Amidst the hustle and bustle of adult life, I found myself wondering how friendships would fit into this new landscape.

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Beyond the Gifted and Talented Label: Navigating the Challenges of Growing Up Smart

One of the biggest challenges for smart kids is learning how to separate their self-worth from external validation. When you're constantly praised for your innate qualities rather than your hard work, it's easy to develop a sense of entitlement and expect praise and recognition for everything you do. But as you get older, you quickly realize that the world doesn't work that way. Fewer people care about your intelligence and just being smart can only get you so far.

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Numbing the Pain: The Impact of Grief's Strong Numbing Effect on Healing

At the core of grief is the intense pain and sorrow that comes from losing someone or something that we care deeply about. This pain can be overwhelming, and for many people, the natural response is to shut down emotionally as a means of coping. This shutting down can feel like a protective measure, a way of insulating ourselves from the pain so that we can continue to function in our daily lives.

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I'm Hanging Up Now: The Fine Line Between Connection and Chaos

It all started with a glimmer of hope. A rare moment where all of us could be home, without the usual hustle and bustle of our lives. It was an opportunity to connect with friends and loved ones who we hadn't seen in a while, to catch up and share our experiences. It was a time to be present, to laugh, and to reminisce about the good old times. And so we did. But as the pandemic grew, so did our desire to stay connected.

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Choosing My Name: A Personal Journey to Being Rhonna-Rose

Of course, there were downsides. I would never walk into a store and see my name on things, something that was a reality I had to accept. But when a friend gifted me a custom-made coke bottle with my name on it, it meant the world to me. Here, in front of me, was something that confirmed I had made the right choice. I could be Rhonna-Rose - and that was all that mattered.

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