Posts in Editor's Picks
The Stories They Tell: DeSantis and the Path to Hide The Truth

As I continued to learn more about history, It became clear to me that it is crucial for history to be taught in a way that is honest, transparent, and inclusive of all perspectives to ensure that we can learn from the past and make informed decisions for the future. I realized that the way history is presented can have a profound impact on how we understand and interpret the world around us. If history is taught inaccurately or with a biased perspective, it can lead to a distorted understanding of the past and ultimately, dangerous consequences for the present and future.

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I'm Hanging Up Now: The Fine Line Between Connection and Chaos

It all started with a glimmer of hope. A rare moment where all of us could be home, without the usual hustle and bustle of our lives. It was an opportunity to connect with friends and loved ones who we hadn't seen in a while, to catch up and share our experiences. It was a time to be present, to laugh, and to reminisce about the good old times. And so we did. But as the pandemic grew, so did our desire to stay connected.

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Choosing My Name: A Personal Journey to Being Rhonna-Rose

Of course, there were downsides. I would never walk into a store and see my name on things, something that was a reality I had to accept. But when a friend gifted me a custom-made coke bottle with my name on it, it meant the world to me. Here, in front of me, was something that confirmed I had made the right choice. I could be Rhonna-Rose - and that was all that mattered.

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